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Changing habits can be hard. Especially when trying to overhaul too many habits at once. To make change more approachable, consider making small improvements slowly. Over time small habits can lead to substantial health changes. Peyton and I composed a list of small routine changes below to help get you out of your own way: 


  • Take a couple minutes each day to meditate or deep breathe before, after, and/or during stressful times.
  • Journal or type thoughts/goals in phone notes.
  • Listen to a motivational podcast or speaker.
  • Write down all of the reasons why you want to make these changes, rank them in order of most important to least.
  • Find an enjoyable hobby to do when you are aimlessly eating out of boredom or simply take a short walk. 
  • Write down 3 things you are grateful for each day for an improved mindset.
  • At the end of the day, tidy up the kitchen to start the next day fresh. 
  • Keep a running list of weekly tasks.


  • Drink 16oz to start the day before coffee or tea, or 8oz before and after for energy.
  • Sip water at least 3 times during a meal to help slow eating and stay hydrated.
  • Meet water goals at least 2 hours before going to bed to avoid frequent urination during the night that would disrupt sleep.

Eating habits

  • Take 5 minutes to wash and cut veggies to have on hand for quick snacks. Carrots and celery are good options for this as they are hardier and stay fresh in the fridge. 
  • Always have a few options of nuts and seeds in the pantry for a variety of quick snacks.
  • Take a minute to take note of the colors of produce in your shopping cart. Buying varied colors of produce makes it easy to incorporate all colors of produce into your eating pattern by the end of the week. 
  • When putting leftovers away, portion out some for easy lunches during the week.
  • Invest in a nice lunch container set you are happy to use for bringing lunches on the go.
  • Keep canned fish or olives handy for an easy add to salads or prep a tuna salad for quick meals with healthy fat.
  • Roast a tray of veggies to add to meals throughout the week.

Physical activity

  • Have 10 minutes of free time? Choose an enjoyable physical activity and do it then.  
  • Take 5 minutes before bed for gentle stretching to release tension. 
  • Keep preferred workout clothing/shoes easily accessible and in plain sight.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. 

Sleep improvement

  • Aim for a somewhat consistent sleep schedule – see what times work best for you and what amount of sleep leaves you with the most energy.
  • Monitor sleep patterns for a week or download a sleep tracking app. 
  • Limit screen time to an hour before going to sleep to avoid blue light emissions from restraining your body’s natural production of melatonin.

Remember, when implementing new habits, slow and steady wins the race!